Nearly Half of Aussies Don't Know CPR

First aid in the news

First aid in the news

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Despite the majority of Australians agreeing CPR is the most important first aid skill to know, nearly half find providing CPR the most intimidating first aid situation

In fact, new data from Australia Wide First Aid’s inaugural, First Aid Proficiency Report, reveals only a third of Aussies have ever assisted in providing CPR

With Aussies still hesitant to act in an emergency for fear of making the situation worse, Australia Wide First Aid is urging the nation to test their knowledge, spreading the message that heroes are made with first aid in line with World First Aid Day (14th September)

New Data is Concerning

New data from the inaugural First Aid Proficiency Report reveals a worrying skill gap in Australians’ competency levels in administering first aid, highlighting the need to test the nation’s first aid knowledge and find out if they have the potential to be Australia’s next hero.

The new report by Australia Wide First Aid, unveils that despite the majority (80%) of Australians agreeing CPR is the most important first aid skill to know, nearly half (47%) find providing CPR the most intimidating first aid situation.

While only a third (34%) of Aussies have personally performed or been involved in administering CPR, the gap is particularly apparent in relation to paediatric CPR, with only one in 10 having personally performed or been involved with providing the life-saving technique on a child or a baby. In fact, four in five (82%) admitted they wouldn’t be confident in their ability to perform CPR on a child or baby.

Interestingly, more than one in 20 Aussies (6%) admit they didn’t act in an emergency for fear of making the situation worse, despite the Good Samaritan Law which prevents legal action for people who have acted in good faith during a life-saving emergency.

To empower more Australians to equip themselves with CPR knowledge and get the nation rescue ready, Melissa Dos Santos, Chief Operating Officer at Australia Wide First Aid, the leading first aid course provider in Australia, wants to spread the important message that heroes are made with first aid.

Melissa says; “Understanding how to provide CPR to an adult or child is a powerful tool that transforms ordinary individuals into life-saving heroes, turning uncertainty into hope and giving people the confidence to act decisively in emergencies. Learning the basic skills and taking a first aid course can be the first step in the difference between life or death.”

There’s evidently a need to address the CPR knowledge gap, as Australian health data reveals there’s the equivalent to 157 coronary events every day and 12% of those events are fatal, making them the leading cause of death in Australia.

Additionally, deaths by drowning in Australia increased by 16% from 2023 to 2024 and last year alone there were 70 drowning deaths in Queensland,2 but research reveals just 22% of people in the state are confident providing CPR after a drowning, despite 82% agreeing it’s the most important skill to know.

It’s not just in relation to CPR where there is a disconnect, first aid skills such as administering an EpiPen and treating choking, can be the difference between life and death, yet over 70% of Australians admit they aren’t confident to treat an asthma attack or an allergic reaction.

Melissa adds; “Enhancing first aid skills is not just about feeling prepared for the worst, it's about empowering every individual to act confidently and effectively in everyday situations that threaten safety.

“Whether it’s a snake bite, an allergic reaction or a heart attack, our goal is to ensure these critical life-saving skills become second nature to all Australians, creating a safe and more resilient community.”

Jayson Watson, First Aid Trainer at Australia Wide First Aid says, “Regularly testing your first aid knowledge is crucial for Australians, as it ensures that as a nation, we’re always prepared to act swiftly and confidently in an emergency. I've seen first-hand how quickly a situation can turn critical, and I became a CPR trainer because I wanted to make a real difference in those crucial moments of uncertainty, where every second counts.

“Keeping your skills sharp not only boosts your confidence but can truly be the key to saving a friend, family member or colleague’s life.”

The shocking statistics from the First Aid Proficiency Report suggest Australians aren’t prepared for emergency situations that can occur anywhere from the home to the workplace, or even out on the street.

In line with World First Aid Day, Australia Wide First Aid is spreading the important message that heroes are made with first aid and urging all Australians to test if they have the knowledge and skills to save someone’s life. To find out more information about Australia Wide First Aid and take the ultimate first aid quiz!

Originally published at
as part of the Australia Wide First Aid Articles Library

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